Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I know, I know. Spinster is a slang term these days, for a woman who never manages to get her evil claws into a male of the species and proceed to force him into marriage, followed by the running of his household, the spending of his money, and occasionally 'the vapors'.

Why yes, I did grow up in the south, why do you ask?

Anyhow, I have recently become interested in spinning. (Jasmin of the knitmore girls, I blame you for this.) I started by ordering a cheap spindle from etsy, and buying some fiber from my LYS. This turned out to NOT be the way to get into spinning, as the fiber was insanely hard to work with, and I ended up with a nasty tangled mess instead of yarn. I complained of my woes at Hogwarts at Ravelry, (yes, I know I'm a nerd, thanks), and a lovely member there, Raederle, suggested that perhaps I should seek local spinning classes. I started looking around, and then as if by magic at my local Celticfest, I met a spinner who recommended that I join the local craft guild for help. After one session at their spinner's group, I suddenly 'got it'. Needless to say, my dues check was in the mail the next day.

After this, I went out and looked for some natural coloured fiber, something that they recommended because of the way that dye affects fiber, and got to work on the first thing I found, some oatmeal coloured CVM. (That's California Variegated Mutant, a breed of sheep, for anyone interested)

Now this was the experience I'd been expecting out of fiber spinning! I got myself two spindles: a greensleeves barebones spindle and a mid-sized ashford spindle, and it started spinning up beautifully. Then, I made a Woolery order for another 2 greensleeves spindles, and they were out of stock. Oh no! But Nancy from the Woolery called me and asked if it was acceptable for them to substitute a different spindle for the greensleeves. Well sure, why not? What do I know about spindles?

Let me tell you, I knew a few minutes after the other spindle arrived that we were going to be very good friends. It spins smoothly, and for longer than the greensleeves. Absolutely perfect. After finishing one ply on the ashford and one on the greensleeves, I plyed it all up on a Ky spindle, and then skeined it on my swift, as I hadn't yet gotten myself a niddy noddy.

After that, I washed it in warm water with a bit of Eucalan, and wound it into a proper skein.

Yep, it's uneven and overspun and a bulky 2-ply, but it's mine, and I made it from fiber. Me! Now, to knit it into something that I can show off... but what can you do with 160 yards of bulky 2-ply? I know I can do a Rav search, but the results aren't terribly impressive. I wonder if a Starcrossed Beret would work....

Ahh well, I'm sure I'll find something to do with it. Either way, I'm inordinately proud of it. I'm also now the proud caretaker of my local craft guild's Lendrum single treadle, which is growing on me like a welcome fungus. I've started saving for a wheel, but on the salary of a starving student, who knows when that will happen?

As in all posts so far, I have been paid by no one, nor given anything in compensation for any reviews I've offered. Nonetheless, buy a Ky spindle as a starter, they are awesome. Go to the Woolery, their customer service is some of the best I've come across after years of working in the field myself. I doubt you'll be disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. It is beeootiful! I love first handspun! I made a chunky scarf with mine and dyed it with koolaid after knitting. here is the link to it on Rav:


    It is my lucky scarf :)
