So new am I to online knitting that I have never before participated in a KAL, or knitalong for any non-knitter reading this. (What's wrong with you? Why are you here, other than to mock... oh. Nevermind.) So when a Ravelry group I'm in, Pen Fetish Crafters, decided to knit a shawl that was already in my "OMG, I need one of those" list, I jumped onboard.
The shawl in question is the Fountain Pen Shawl, available at the entirely reasonable price of 5.50$US. Given my rather limited funds, being a full-time student who likes to eat and stuff, I opted to use some Knit Picks gloss lace yarn in Sterling that I had in the stash. I'd link Knit Picks, but seriously, if you can't find them on your own there's something seriously wrong. Since I somehow magically already owned a size 6 (4.0 mm for you metric peeps) addi lace circular and a little packet of silver colored jump rings, I was in business.
I am nothing if not OCD, though, so even though I didn't have a project on the needles as of the 29th of May, I could not start this until the suggested date on the group. I helped suggest it, it would be rude not to follow my own suggestions, wouldn't it?
Ironically, I'm also planning to take part in a Pride KAL for LSG (I'll warn anyone who doesn't know this already, no LSG link will ever be work/innocence/anything else safe. If you're easily offended, very right-wing, religious, or under 18, DO NOT CLICK!) I'd write something about that KAL, but while I know the yarn I'm going to use, I have no idea what I'm going to make yet.
So anyway, for anyone who's had the patience to stay this long, here it is, the beginnings of my Fountain Pen Shawl KAL:
Given how terrible I usually am on a deadline, I suppose we'll see how much of it I have finished at the end of June, particularly considering the fact that I'm taking full time classes +50% during the summer term. I did get win NaNoWriMo while doing school full time, but writing is easier.
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