I lowered the neckline by casting off after the folds and then working back and forth. I detailed better on my project page, I think. The alteration wasn't a failing of the pattern, so much as my dislike of high necklines of any kind. I know it's a lame picture, but here's the only one I've got:
So now that I'm done with project one, I'm looking to project two. I have about 1k yards of Malabrigo Rios in the Azul Profundo Colorway. At first, I was thinking I'd make Jared Flood's Hemlock Ring. Then, I started thinking... I could make a vest with 1k yards, even in my size. Yes I could.
So here are the contenders:
The Bramblewood Vest, by Christina Wall
Angostura, by Ysolda Teague
Now I know that not a lot of people read this - I haven't posted often enough to make it worthwhile for most people - but if you read this before the end of June and have an opinion, please take the time to let me know!
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